How Long Can You Keep a Cheesecake in the Refrigerator?


Desserts like Cheesecake are intriguing yet delicious. Of course, you may find this chilled, flourless cake on restaurant menus. Still, you can also find it frequently in the freezer department of supermarkets and on kitchen countertops at home. It’s delicious, without a doubt, but preparing and keeping this traditional guilty delight can be confusing. Unlike many cakes, Cheesecake improves its flavour when it is chilled. The cake must be allowed to cool slightly on the counter after baking before placing it in the refrigerator to cool completely, a process that can take up to overnight. Cheesecake can be topped with a variety of toppings after being chilled. Toppings include but are not limited to fresh seasonal fruit, chocolate ganache, fruit syrups, crushed coconut, chopped almonds, biscuits, and even candies.

How Long Can Cheesecake Stay Stored in the Refrigerator?

A Close-Up Shot of a Delicious Blueberry Cheesecake 

Listeria is a bacterium that can grow on soft cheeses like cream cheese. Anyone exposed to Listeria monocytogenes risks developing a severe foodborne infection, especially if they have a weak immune system. Soft cheese made from “raw” or unpasteurized cheese is hazardous and 160 times more likely to be contaminated. Salmonella is another bacterial contamination risk that home chefs should be aware of when preparing cheesecakes. When serving handmade or prepared Cheesecake, take extra precautions while following this rule. Cheesecake that has been kept over 40 degrees F for more than two hours needs to be thrown out, according to [1]

The same rule is followed when serving Cheesecake during house parties. Two hours after the cake is taken out of the refrigerator and brought to room temperature, you have two hours. Once those two hours have elapsed, it’s time to either throw the cake out or put it back in the refrigerator. However, the Cheesecake should be placed back or consumed after one hour if the temperature is above 90 degrees F. At the same time, store-bought Cheesecake can be kept in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days. To prevent it from absorbing refrigerator odours, it is advised to keep the Cheesecake in an airtight container or wrap it with a cling wrap. 

Your homemade Cheesecake can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 5 days before it starts to go bad if you store it carefully. Some individuals can keep it longer, but it is only suitable for store-bought Cheesecake. You need to be aware if store-bought Cheesecake contains preservatives to keep it fresh for a bit longer. As a result, you can preserve your favourite cake in the refrigerator for up to 5-7 days if you purchase it from a bakery or the grocery store and decide not to eat it right away or have any leftovers. However, you should follow the recommendation on the packing label if it says to store it for a shorter time.

Proper Way of Storing Cheesecake

Orange Cheese Cake With Fresh Oranges Decoration 

The most excellent method to maintain the freshness of Cheesecake is to learn how to store it. Why throw away a good cheesecake when you can freeze that creamy treat later? The refrigerator is unquestionably the ideal location for Cheesecake, according to specialists in food storage. Because we want to prepare and consume the best Cheesecake imaginable, it is essential to refrigerate your cake correctly to preserve its flavour and texture. Desserts generally like to be chilled, obviously partly due to the perishable ingredients in the Cheesecake itself. It seems easy to learn how to store a cheesecake. Still, by following the simple instructions below, you can ensure that your Cheesecake will be kept appropriately and turn out fantastic.

1. Allow the Cheesecake to Cool

You can start chilling immediately if you have leftover Cheesecake, either handmade or purchased. If the Cheesecake has just been baked, you must wait until it has cooled to room temperature before properly chilling it. The first step in storing your Cheesecake, regardless of the technique you select, is to allow it to cool completely after baking. Suppose you put your hot Cheesecake straight into the refrigerator or freezer. Instead, it may lose its beloved smooth, creamy texture and develop a divided cheesecake.

Furthermore, the moisture from a hot cheesecake may also make the crust soggy. After baking, leave your Cheesecake at room temperature for at least an hour to completely relax. Then, with the cake still in the pan, place it in the refrigerator. Give it another hour to cool in the fridge. Place the Cheesecake on a cake board, tray, or plate after removing it from the fridge and the cake from the pan. The cake is now prepared for wrapping and storage.

2. Wrap the Cheesecake Properly or Placed in an Airtight Container

Ensuring a cheesecake is appropriately wrapped or put in the right airtight container is among the most crucial storage steps. The Cheesecake should be bagged as airtightly as you can. The Cheesecake can avoid drying out in the refrigerator or freezer with proper packaging. Additionally, it will prevent odours from the outside from absorbing, preserving the Cheesecake’s flavour. The Cheesecake can be wrapped by simply setting it on a plate, cake board, or serving tray, followed by plastic wrap. It doesn’t matter if the plastic wrap touches the Cheesecake if you intend to decorate the top of the Cheesecake with fruit, whipped cream, or other decorations because the garnish will cover the flaws that wrapping may cause.

However, you want to retain the flawless exterior of your Cheesecake. In that case, you may put a few toothpicks around the Cheesecake’s edge and then wrap the dessert to avoid blemishes and to hold the plastic up and away from the cake’s surface. If the Cheesecake has flaws when the plastic wrap is removed, use a hot offset spatula to correct them. 

Another option for wrapping a cheesecake is to put it in a lidded cake pan. The best solution for protecting the Cheesecake is to place it in an airtight plastic container. Cake containers are a wise purchase because they can last a lifetime and are excellent for carrying cakes. A simple cake box, normally made of cardboard, can also be used, but this will only stop a limited amount of air from reaching the cake and drying it off. If you are using a cardboard cake box, think about also protecting it with plastic wrap.

3. Keeping Cheesecake in the refrigerator

Your Cheesecake is prepared to be placed in the refrigerator once it has cooled and been wrapped. When properly packed, Cheesecake will last in the fridge for about five days, whereas store-bought Cheesecake will last for up to 7 days. However, fresh fruit on top of your Cheesecake will likely spoil first. It is strongly advised to wrap a cheesecake in cling wrap before placing it in the freezer to create an airtight seal that will protect the cake from the freezer’s extreme dryness. Directly covering the Cheesecake in plastic wrap, place it inside a sizable, zipped freezer bag. The Cheesecake will be kept in the freezer for roughly two to three months when properly sealed.

Slicing the Cheesecake into pieces and individually wrapping them is a wonderful additional tip for freezing Cheesecake. Each slice should be wrapped in plastic before being placed in a gallon-sized zippered freezer bag. You may pull it out whenever you want a piece and eat it. This makes the ideal dessert that is prepared to eat.

4. Label the container with the expiry date of the Cheesecake.

Your Cheesecake is now prepared for freezing. Write the date of storage on the bag or container’s label before placing it deep within the freezer.

5. Serving After Storing

Even while Cheesecake cannot be stored at room temperature without risk, about 30 minutes before serving, remove the cake from the refrigerator. The cake’s exquisite taste will come out if you let it warm up a little. The day before you intend to consume a cheesecake that has been frozen, remove it from the freezer and put it in the refrigerator. The Cheesecake will have time to defrost gradually as a result. The crust may become soggy and the top wet if the Cheesecake is thawed too quickly and gets too much moisture in condensation. It is preferable to thaw your cake slowly.

Unwrap the frozen cake and leave it on the counter at room temperature if you need to fast-thaw a cheesecake. Depending on the size of the cake, the Cheesecake should defrost in around 2 hours. Place the cheesecake slice on a platter and microwave for about 30 seconds if you’re thawing one at a time. It will take a little while before the slice is ready to eat.

Signs of Spoilage of Cheesecake

Close-up of a Home Made Cheesecake 

Awareness of Cheesecake rotting symptoms is crucial to prevent food poisoning or other foodborne ailment. A standard must be used to determine whether your favourite dessert has gone sour. However, when Cheesecake has spoiled, it will exhibit typical indicators of food deterioration. The cake started to spoil if brown edges began to appear on it. The cake has gone bad if there are noticeable mould stains on it or if it has an unpleasant odour. Additionally, you can notice the crust becoming wet or sloppy. These indicators of deterioration will indicate that your cake has expired.

1. Look along the edges for cracks. The Cheesecake may not have been properly sealed during baking if there are cracks. If you discover cracks, throw the Cheesecake away right away.

2. Cheesecake’s interior can be smelled by opening the container. Your Cheesecake is probably spoilt if it smells like ammonia, sour milk, or rotten eggs. This is due to the rapid growth of bacteria in damp environments.

3. Check for the presence of moulds. The mould will appear on the Cheesecake’s surface as little black patches. If you notice this, throw the Cheesecake away.

4. Check the consistency by cutting into the Cheesecake. The Cheesecake is probably spoilt if it appears soft and runny.

5. Examine the Cheesecake’s color. The Cheesecake has been left sitting for too long, as seen by its dark brown colour. Try the Cheesecake; if the flavour is delightful, the Cheesecake is probably spoilt.


Although Cheesecake is a delicious treat that may surpass all other desserts, keeping it has its requirements that are incredibly different from those for other cake forms. Learning the proper methods for cheesecake storage can profoundly impact various factors, including the longevity of the cake and the maintenance of its ideal flavour and texture. The biggest distinction between ordinary Cheesecake and exceptional Cheesecake may be how your cake is preserved. No matter what cheesecake recipe, it must be handled carefully because it is a perishable delicacy.